gaming@Tombstones UT99 Map Archive

gaming@Tombstones UT99 Map Archive

Over the years we’ve been building the gaming@Tombstones UT99 Map Archive and a while back we uploaded our entire gaming@Tombstones UT99 Map Archive to rushbase. The collection contains over 14,000 maps weighing in at a meager 28 gigabytes of slaughtery goodness covering almost all game types. An example of the gaming@Tombstones UT99 Map Archive content…

UnrealNorth Website

With the relaunch of new site and refocus on our services, it seems like the perfect opportunity to point out some key players still active in the UT scene. So with that in mind I point you to UnrealNorth today, which seems like a good all round site; of specific interest and setting this site…

MonsterHunt 2 added to the UT99 Server

Today we have added the MonsterHunt 2 mod to the UT99 server. Available in Standard and AccuGib (ZeroPing) game modes. MonsterHunt 2 brings with it a number of new features over the old MonsterHunt including, regenerating health, hud improvements, enemy hitpoint display and more. Jump on the server and get in the fight.