UPDATE: Builds are currently unavailable but are returning shortly.
Some nice souls within the UT community have compiled and released unofficial pre-alpha builds of the latest Unreal Tournament 2014 development snapshots for all to try. As of now they are updated infrequently for Windows and Linux. Downloads are being hosted on RushBase
- Windows builds can be found under the user folder raxxy while
- Linux builds can be found under the users brizz & rush.
The Linux builds appear to be behind the Windows builds (by a day at the time of writing) so I had no success in joining any of the servers I tried but hopefully that is rectified soon enough. In the meantime we will look at the possibility of setting up a dedicated server based on the rush build providing rectification of the GLIB_C 2.14 problem currently in place on the server is possible.
Within the pre-alpha there are a number of test maps already available to run through and test
- CTF-FaceTest
- CTF-Lightside
- DM-Deck-CLee-20140806
- DM-DeckTest
- DM-NickTest1
- DM-Peak-CLee-20140810
- DM-SidCastle
- DM-Spacer
- DM-Subsystem
- DM-Test_C04
- DM-Test_F08
To access any of the included maps open the console by pressing ~ (that is the tilde key) and type open <map_name>
- CTF-Facetest
- CTF-Lightside
- DM-Deck-Clee
- DM-DeckTest
- DM-NickTest1
- DM-Peak-Clee
- DM-Sidcastle
- DM-Spacer
- DM-Subsystem
- DM-Syzygy
- DM-Test_C04
- DM-Test_F08
The community has a tonne of other work underway on the of forums with new maps and other assets for the engine made available for testing when ready.
Grab the prototype now from RushBase and throw some feedback through to the development team. Just for good measure here is a video of Fatal1ty playing the prototype.